Harry Otten

Harry Otten founded Meteo Consult (MeteoGroup) in 1986. He has been active in meteorology for more than 40 years. When he sold the company to the Press Association between 2005 and 2011 it had become the largest weather company in Europe with more than 250 people in more than 10 countries.

Meteo Consult always aimed at the high end of the market where quality is of the essence. Harry wanted to express his gratitude to the meteorological community by creating a substantial fund from which a bi-annual prize of € 25,000 can be paid for many years to come. The prize is for innovative ideas where meteorology plays an important role.

Shortly after the Press Association sold MeteoGroup to private equity at the end of 2013, ties between Harry and MeteoGroup were broken. However, Harry picked up the entrepreneurial weather spirit again in 2017 and founded Weather Solutions with the main activity in Berlin in its subsidiary Wettermanufaktur.